Terms of Service

Cedar Innovations, Inc. ("Cedar") is a for-profit real estate acquisitions company that connects home buyers with investor funds to help with home affordability using an innovative leasehold model. While we strive to make the information on this website as accurate as possible, this website (and all data and information contained within it) is for marketing and illustrative purposes only. This website shall not be construed to provide guarantees, warranties, or reliable data. No offer is extended by Cedar on this website, and this website is merely an advertisement to invite consumers and investors to work with Cedar. While Cedar seeks to help create affordability for all homeowners, affordability is not guaranteed either with or without Cedar’s product in any given market. The calculator and any other marketing materials are best estimates based on industry-wide data. Data on this website is not accurate for each state and/or market. All estimated values are just estimates and shall not be relied upon by consumers or real estate professionals as reliable data. The Calculator is merely a rough estimate that is automatically adjusted based upon generalized industry data — estimated ground values are just estimates and are not official offers by Cedar to any individual or consumer. Official ground offers and land purchase prices will be issued by Cedar only after internal underwriting is performed based on internal data. Cedar uses mortgage rates data updated roughly daily, but these reflect industry rates and not individual rates from individual lenders based on individual credit scores and debt-to-income ratios. Tax data is also a general estimate pulled from national averages — it will not be accurate to your market, but hopefully it will be illustrative. Please also note that Cedar does not work in all markets or for all homes, and only homes with new mortgages may be eligible for Cedar — eligibility will be determined by a proprietary process based upon internal constraints and estimated market trends of given geographic areas. Cedar does not use data related to ethnicity demographics for valuations or eligibility for the Ground Offer by Cedar product. Please note that Cedar is not a lender and is also not a financial services advising company. This website does not contain financial advice or investment advice. Again, Cedar is simply a company that is using an innovative leasehold-based model to connect home-buyers with institutional investors using our product. Cedar acts as a middleman between investors and consumers in order to help home affordability. If you have any questions, please have your favorite real estate professional reach out!